In this first episode of our 2nd season, we cover four topics. First we review the new iTunes 7 & iPods, and we clue you in on what Apple didn't say.
Then we show you how to sort through huge files of text information and count up how many times a word appears (this is a great way to count up number of hits to certain files on server logs or to count up replies to a survey completed on computers where responders can select more than one choice.
Nathan Galieti also shows how to view web pages in FireFox as if you were using Internet Explorer for Windows. (37min 11sec)
Note that we have two feeds for our vidoes. One in MP4 format which is compatible with the iPod video (320x240), and a second one that is in a larger format and better quality in an H.264 QuickTime 7 version (480x320): ideal for viewing the videos on your computer monitor.
Have a comment/question? Send us an e-mail at AskTheTechies@gmail.com.
Episode 38: iTunes 7, New iPods, Database Search Tip w/Terminal, Firefox IE Plug-In