In this video, Nathan Galieti explains how to use Microsoft's Remote Desktop software to remotely connect to a Windows computer from another Windows or even Macintosh computer. With this software you can visually interact with the remote computer the same way you would if you were there: just click on icons, print to your localprinter, send e-mails, & copy files.
Remote Desktop is a great way to connect to that home computer while you are on the road or, since you gain full control of the computers with your local mouse and keyboard, for remotely fixing a computer for someone.
Want to see us make a video on how to remotely connect to a Macintosh computer? Send us an e-mail at AskTheTechies@gmail.com
(37min 04sec)
This instructional video podcast is available in the MP4 iPod Video compatible format & in a higher quality H.264 format for viewing on a computer (requires QuickTime 7 Player installed).
Hosts: D.Lee Beard & Nathan Galieti
Have a comment/question? Send us an e-mail at AskTheTechies@gmail.com.
Episode 47: Windows Remote Desktop