In this video, D.Lee offers suggestions on how to do credible research on the internet from Wikipedia and Citizendium to university library resources.
E-mail etiquette is sorely lacking these days, and D.Lee gives you some tips on how to avoid being rude.
Computer security is always a concern, and D.Lee offers some tips regarding you anonymity (or lack thereof) , some tips for working with USB flash drives, and more.
Viewer questions are also answered on using Rosetta for the Shockwave player for Mac, and microphone hookups for older Macs.
(20min 11sec)
This instructional video podcast is available in the MP4 iPod Video compatible format & in a higher quality H.264 format for viewing on a computer (requires QuickTime 7 Player installed).
Hosts: D.Lee Beard
Have a comment/question? Send us an e-mail at AskTheTechies@gmail.com.
Episode 55: Frequently Missed Internet Skills