In this video:
•How to insert video into a PowerPoint presentation on both Macs and PCs and how to avoid cross-platform snags.
•Using Photoshop’s extraction tool to extract a face out of one document and insert into another.
•Gettings songs onto an iPod including using the iTunes music store and digital rights management.
Hosts: D.Lee Beard , Brandon Jackson, Tim Welsh (27min 58sec)
This instructional video podcast is available in the MP4 iPod Video compatible format & in a higher quality H.264 format for viewing on a computer (requires QuickTime 7 Player installed).
What's up with the New Look?
As many of you know, we have produced over 50 videos explaining technology, offering unbiased reviews of products, and answering viewer questions. This has been a mostly volunteer experiment. This project has appeared to be successful with thousands of viewers.
Still, it seems that we have the possibility to assist even more people if we were on TV. We have already done this already with some distribution on local university television. There are a lot of people who need help using technology but who don't even know what a podcast is, much less how to subscribe to one. If these people could tune in to our show on their television sets, we stand to teach a lot more people with our efforts.
Reaching a larger audience would also help us locate underwriters of the show to make Ask the Techies not only sustainable, but to improve the video quality and content.
To that end, we partnered with our local PBS television affiliate, WOUB, to produce two pilot episodes of Ask the Techies for television. The next two videos we will be putting out are the result of that effort. I welcome your feedback, comments, and suggestions on this project. What do you think of the improved quality (i.e. is video production quality even important to you)? Would you prefer to watch these on TV or as a downloadable podcast? If TV, would PBS be your first choice for viewing Ask the Techies or would you prefer some other choice such as a cable channel?
This is the point where you, the viewer, have a chance to make a difference ...to make things happen.
Let us know if you like this idea. This is not a done deal. We only shot 2 pilot episodes. Further episodes are not planned at this time.
The e-mails from you, our viewers, in support of our show is what can convince the powers that be to support our show so we can provide more content to you to better empower you with technology.
Go to your e-mail program and send us an e-mail. We need to hear from all of you. Our e-mail address is really simple, AskTheTechies@Gmail.com
From Podcast to Broadcast" ...
Episode 52: The "Twenty Farce" Century
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