Nathan Galieti explains SSH and how it can make your web browsing more secure by tunneling through your home computer. Both Mac OS X (*nix) and Windows directions are explained. (please excuse the poor audio quality on this episode as we ran into some technical difficulty and did not have time to reshoot the topic. It is our opinion that the hosts are still understandable and that this is still informative).
(16min, 17sec)
Securing your internet connection while away from home with SSH
Sorry about the audio folks. We didn't realize the audio problem until too late. Hopefully, you still find it informative.
A very nice tutorial... :-)
I am having a little difficulty with my router changing the local ip addresses for wireless from to and
As I connect my cable modem and netgear router to ethernet and then connect the iPhone via wireless to my macintosh laptop in os x 10.4.11
I will try setting the ip addresses to static on the router to avoid this issue.
I am also working on setting ssh up with the iPhone via remote desktop in os x 10.4.11...
A future tutorial on the iPhone, ssh, and remote login would be very helpful...
Cheers :-)
Working nicely now after a router reconfiguration and I can login to the iPhone via ssh...
Thanks guys,
A very informative video and the audio wasn't half bad. Video looks good too (de-interlacing helps a lot!)
I have created a way to create your own APPLICATION that automates the entire process of SSH tunneling for a Mac.
The tutorial is here:
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