D.Lee Beard presents a review of the glossy screen 2007 iMac: this is not your typical "fanboy" review.
This video is also chock-full of viewer e-mail including questions on hard drive brand recommendations, watching French fromatted videos, how to zoom in the computer screen on Macs and Windows, and criticicsms on the Techies video sizes & Mac vs. PC review. (38min 56sec)
NEXT WEEK: Run Windows on the iMac with Paralles: in-depth
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Episode 59: iMac Glossy Review, Hard Drive Recommendations, French Videos (ooh la la), How to Zoom in a Screen, & Viewer Criticisms
Sorry about a little bit of static sound in this video. I ran out of time to fix it.
Options to run Windows on a Intel iMac
Crossover is a way to run windows programs without needing the windows disk.You don't need to reboot your computer to run this program launch this program like a mac application.The programs gives you a 30 days trial after that it is 59.99 to buy it.Below is information on crossover and where you can downlnoad it.
VMware Fusion works just like Paralles no reboot needed.
You will need the windows disk to install windows on your mac.
VMware Fusion works faster at running windows on my comptuer.
You get a 30 day trial to test it out after that the progam is 79.99 to buy.
There is a 20 dollor mail in rebate offter from vmware.
Below is the site to find more information on vmware.
Apologies accepted
Love your show! If I understood you correctly you mentioned that IE explorer can't zoom. However if you are using IE 7.0 you can do a zoom. It is down at the lower right hand corner of your IE window. Default is 100% but you can click on it and view options to zoom in and zoom out.
TJTECH: thanks for comment. You are correct, IE7 can zoom in as you describe. Opera browser has this built in as well. Very handy for those of us over 40 or using small screens.
I wish Windows had a better zoom feature overall, however. The Mac's zoom feature is so helpful when I teach computer skills.
I use Crossover a lot. It is actually the Macintosh version of the Linux WINE application.
It runs pretty well for basic applications and some games that aren't 36 Environment/Graphic heavy.
However, it creates a virtual windows drive (C: drive etc) on your computer that you can access and sometimes, I find, for some applications you have to download some DLL files etc to make them work right.
Anyway, thanks for brining that up, I wanted to mention that in a video but sadly didn't get to, I don't think. Maybe I'll do it on my own since I'm leaving soon.
Anyway, I've had some experience with it so if you have any questions I could particularly help with this program, I've had to do some tinkering. Lol.
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