D.Lee Beard starts a new series comparing Mac OS X.6 Snow Leopard to Windows 7. In this episode, he shows how to change file icons and the compares the ease of changing file icons in each operating system.
Which is better??? You get to decide by voting at the Ask the Techies website, episode 118, http://AsktheTechies.com/episode118.html
Click Here to Play Episode 118
Wrong: no need to make "shortcut" to change icon in windows 7. Just R click folder & select properties> advanced> change icon.
How "unbiased" are you? All your episodes have been about Mac....
Raine: Are you running Windows 7? Because when I go there, there is no change icon for an original folder like the "My Documents" folder. Please see the screen capture image where I show Properties and the Advanced window:
I certainly was not trying to give Windows 7 an unfair representation. If you know of a way to change the My Documents folder icon in Windows 7, I'd love to see how! Please share and I'll share it on the show.
I'm on both side which is windows and Mac. i don't think that you are comparing the write features of OS's. to me you're always leaning towards the Mac. i also think that you purposely choose this kind of topics because thats where Mac is little beter at. why dont you cover file management, some useful thing about system tools and thing like that. who gives a shit about changing the icons. i do love your podcast. i'm just giving a advice on future videos.
Actually, Raine is right about not having to create "shortcut" but wrong about how to do it. The way you can change the folder icon without creating shortcut under Win7 is by doing the following:
- R click on the folder
- Go to CUSTOMIZE tab
- And there is a Change Icon button there.
A couple of months ago I purchased a PC Win7 for the grown up kids, and my first iMac for myself and I have been going through your 'video lectures' from the past year, which I find excellent.
Anyway, I digress. I also cannot get the 'change icon' button without first creating a shortcut folder, nor do I get a CUSTOMIZE tab. Maybe the different premium versions of Win7 have more advanced features than the basic home version does??
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